Azeez says Taxes “Affect” Regional Travel

Friday, Aug 11


aint Lucia Hospitality and Tourism Association CEO, Senator Noorani Azeez wants the tourism sector to increase efforts for a reduction of taxes on airline tickets, as a means to encourage regional travel.

The Independent Senator, however, reminds the sector that taxes are important for helping governments meet their commitments. Azeez says he hopes the two bodies - the tourism sector and governments - can find common ground.

Those government taxes is something that regional governments need to sit and pay close attention to. Because yes, it does affect not only the movement of leisure travellers but citizens who want to move from country to country. I think in this day and age…it’s important that we remove these restrictions because they are prohibitive to travel”, the Senator implored. Yet, he affirms the importance of tax collection as a means for the government to accrue revenue. “Now that is not to take away the importance of paying taxes to governments. They have commitments to meet”.

Prime Minister, Honourable Philip J. Pierre, has described regional travel as a “public good” and has held several working sessions with OECS heads of Government to provide more efficient and reliable regional travel.