Laborie Market Finally Opened; Residents Excited

Monday, Mar 25


he Laborie Market officially opened on Friday, March 22nd, 2024 with a showcase of products made by residents of the community.

Residents and small business owners lauded the opening of the market and said they hope it will continue.

Now we have been exposed as to what we can offer in the library, not only jewellery and crochet and whatever. But they have all the food items at the back there grown by farmers and they are processed some of these items. We even have goats, a young guy has entered into farming of goats. So I think all in all it's a very good activity. Very good initiative. I want to thank the Taiwanese Technical Mission and the Rep for bringing this to the library,” a resident expressed.

Laborie/Augier MP Alva Baptiste, welcomes the investment and support of the government and says the market will continue in the coming years.

We continue to embrace support from the government but also initiate things on our own that will chart the true and real development of our constituency.”

The MP says in time, the Laborie branding will be seen in the constituents’ products.

So at a certain point in time, when you come and purchase a suit it will be made in Laborie with a visual brand being the turtle. So the Laborie Farmers Market this morning will set the stage for a meaningful transformation. When we come here, we will not have space to put tents, because by the second one, it would have grown to the point where we'll need maybe to create another island,” the MP said.

The Market was funded in part by the Taiwanese Technical Mission.