Chastanet “Not Prepared” to Rebut at 9 am

Tuesday, Mar 26


rime Minister Pierre presented the Budget Estimates on Tuesday, March 26th.

The figures portray the economy as performing better than in previous years with revenue at pre-COVID levels.

The Opposition Leader, Allen Chastanet, is expected to rebut at 9 am on Wednesday, providing a different perspective on the numbers presented. When asked by reporters if he’s ready for his rebuttal, Chastanet says he is not.

Voicing the same concern as last year, the Opposition Leader explained that he is not comfortable opening the debate first thing in the morning. He cites his small opposition numbers as why.

There's only two of us. There's 15 of them. So normally it would be seven of them and then another seven. So I'm prepared to speak in that perspective, unless they speak to me and they can offer another explanation as to why I need to speak earlier or later,” Chastanet said.

Last year, he opted out from presenting and uploaded a video rebuttal to his party’s social media pages instead and not the Chambers where he is duly elected to represent the people of Micoud South and serve as Opposition Leader.

Allen Chastanet has been corrected about his assertion on his placement because in fact, the debate is based on the figures provided by the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure and is not a response to any presentation by members. It should also be noted that the Estimates were distributed 8 full days before the debate – never before in the history of Parliament.

Since the 2021 elections, Chastanet has become infamous for walking out of Parliament and holding press conferences at his office directly after or during his preferred talk show.

This year, the public anticipates a similar move where Chastanet stages a walkout and produces a video recording of his rebuttal.

The United Workers’ Party lost the last general elections, only capturing 2 of the 17 constituencies.