New Minimum Wage Come August 1st, 2024

Wednesday, Apr 24


r. Speaker, it is our hope and our desire to follow the rules that Saint Lucian workers will have a new minimum livable wage by August 1st, 2024,” announced Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre during his policy address on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024.

The highly-anticipated minimum livable wage has been given an implementation date by the Prime Minister, who promised further stakeholder consultation.

According to Pierre, the reviewed salaries, prepared by the Minimum Wage Commission, will be gazetted for public scrutiny. He says any additional recommendations and qualms workers may have can be voiced to the Commission.

Mr. Speaker, Section 77 of the Labour Act prescribes the manner in which the Commission is to seek comments…Section 87 reads as follows, “Objections to the making of a minimum wage order shall be submitted to the Minister stating the grounds of objections, the nature of that person's objections in that manner and lastly, such additions, modifications, or amendments to the draft order that the person may think fit,” the Prime Minister said, reading a section of the Labour Act.

Pierre also announced that both government and NIC pensioners will receive an increase in their minimum wages.

Government pensioners, whose minimum salary is $300, will have a new minimum which is almost twice that amount.

Mr. Speaker, are you aware that there are government pensioners and other pensioners in this country who earn $300 a 300-a-month pension? Effective August 1st 2024, the minimum pension payable to government pensioners will be increased to $725,” the Prime Minister explained.

NIC pensioners will also benefit from an increase in their minimum wages.

The National Insurance Corporation, in consultation with the actuaries, has also decided to increase its minimum pension to $500 per month from the existing $300. About 2,400 pensioners will benefit from this increase effective August 1st 2024.”

The minimum wage breakdown per sector has not yet been disclosed.