“Allen Chastanet Will Pay Dearly” - Ernest Hilaire on Appeals Court Ruling

Wednesday, Apr 24


n individual cannot act in such a manner and not expect to face his tribulations,” said Deputy Prime Minister Ernesy Hilaire, reacting to a Wednesday, April 17th ruling handed down by the Appeals Court of the Eastern Caribbean.

The Appeal, brought to the Court against the Comptroller of Customs by Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet, sought to compel the State to prosecute Dr Hilaire.

Chastanet claimed that Hilaire imported a vehicle - a Range Rover Sport - without submitting the required documents to the Customs and Excise Department, in violation of established law.

The motion, first heard by the High Court, was struck down. Appealing the decision, the Appeals Court also struck Chastanet’s motion down, finding that all required documents were submitted.

Dr Hilaire says he feels elated at the Court’s decision.

When I read the judgment, I actually smiled. I really had a good smile, and not a smile because he lost. It was a smile for what I have been through. And I know the day will come when Allen Chastanet will pay dearly, not before me, but before the God for his vindictiveness his maliciousness and his nastiness,” Dr Hilaire said.

Chastanet, since the decision, has announced that he will appeal further to the Caribbean Court of Justice, a court which he led a protest against.