Death’s Cold Finger - Mortician Dissuades Youth Away From Life of Crime

Saturday, May 25


've seen a lot of parents hurting - Is that the life you want?” said mortician Brandon O’Bryan passionately to students and youth of Micoud and Saint Lucia.

Brandon O’Bryan is a young mortician at the Lazarus Funeral Parlour who voiced his concerns with the youth mortality and the increasing deaths due to violent crime.

Statistics reveal that over 334 youth have been lost to violent crime over the last 10 years, with over 60% of the victims being males under 35 years.

O’Bryan recounted the experiences travelling to crime scenes and transporting lifeless bodies. He says the hurt felt by parents is extremely painful.

I personally have been part of the morticians who go and pick up these people and I constantly have mothers and fathers grabbing me, screaming,” he said. 

O’Bryan emphasises the importance of making responsible choices and understanding the long-term impact of their actions.

The hurt and the tears in their eyes, no discount, no counselling can just get this burden off their back. Is that the lifestyle you want for your family?” he encouraged.

The young mortician shares his experience in having to prepare bodies, noting that the criminal lifestyle is not profitable. He reflects on the harsh realities of his work, hoping to dissuade others from pursuing paths that lead to violence and tragedy.

What a lot of people don't realise is the conditions that people tend to be in after such situations. When the body is already deteriorating, you can't even tell who that person is. They get really dark and in worst-case scenarios, you can't even have a proper viewing for such individuals.”

His last word of advice to delinquent youth is that if they do not walk the straight and narrow path, he will soon have to prepare their bodies.