Semi-Pro Football League Uses Discipline, and Attitude as Measures to Calculate Salaries

Thursday, Jun 06


part from game fees, each player receives a stipend based on overall commitment to training.

50% of the total is allocated to discipline, 30% to attendance and 20% to punctuality,” explained the Chairperson of the Semi-Pro Football League, Dr Uralise Delaire.

The ten teams within Tier 1 of the District Leagues will now be receiving monthly payments to disseminate as monthly stipends to their players.

According to the Chairperson of the Semi-Pro League, metrics of attitude, performance, discipline and attendance will be used to determine players’ payments.

Dr Delaire adds that the intention is to create a cadre of footballers who are ready to face the rigours of international competition.

This combination of observation allows the league to monitor and assess the players’ behaviour on and off the field, developing a culture of responsibility and discipline. It also keeps players in check with their attitude to the game and attitude to authority,” she said.

Providing a breakdown of the total costs to the government, Dr Delaire says the Semi-Pro League will expend just over $1 million in salaries.

On average, the monthly payment for each district league in Tier One is $13,190. A combination of 10 leagues will equal to $131,900. Therefore, payments to players for the entire 7 months and the training allowance for the 3 months would equate to $1.3 million.”

The SemiPro Football League eagerly anticipates the completion of the administrative process by all district leagues, enabling players to fully experience a professionalised sports setup.