Chastanet Declares “War” Spurring Public Outrage

Monday, Jun 10


hat is the real cause of war? If you're saying that people who do not support your party, you have to declare war against them is a rather strange phenomenon,” remarked revered trade unionist, Calixte George Sr.

Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet has once more come under intense public scrutiny for statements he uttered during one of his party’s town hall meetings over the weekend.

Tonight, we must declare war. We must declare war on anybody who wants to take us for a pappyshow…and I’m putting the civil servants on notice,” said Chastanet to his audience.

With the uptick in gang violence and targeted killings in Saint Lucia and the region, commentators are displeased with his choice of words. At a glance, Chastanet seems to be inciting his followers to “war” with anybody who does not support the United Workers’ Party, even Civil Servants.

Veteran trade unionist, Calixte George Sr. explains that the use of the word “war” is serious business and is cause for confusion.

War is a very, very serious thing. So I really don't know exactly what would be the cause of war. People are free to support whatever party they wish to without any kind of fight against a particular party.”

George Sr. urges the Opposition to leave Civil Servants outside his political ramblings, reminding Chastanet that public workers will serve any government of the day. Despite being impartial, however, George Sr. notes that Civil Servants are usually in tune with matters of public importance and are important voters.

Most times the civil servants are very, very perceptive of what's happening in government. And so in fact a lot of times from my experience is that they determine what government comes in by their vote,” he said.

Chastanet has been asked by political commentators to retract his statements.