Wednesday, Jul 03

The Legal Connection? Chastanet and Martinez Linked to a Mark-ed Attorney

Wednesday, Jun 12


n his address to the nation, Investment Minister Dr Ernest Hilaire responded to queries surrounding a meeting between Unit Head, McClaude Emmanuel and Philippe Martinez.

In a June 10th press release, Emmanuel confirmed that he had met Martinez in Washington D.C to “gain an understanding and reasons for [his] inclusion in the civil suit being filed and to avert any possibility of reputational damage to the Saint Lucia CIP Unit.”

Martinez, however, inferred that Emmanuel confessed to alleged corruption in Saint Lucia’s CIP Unit.

In his June 12th address to the nation, Investment Minister Hilaire claims Emmanuel met Martinez under the instruction of an attorney who happens to be one of Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet’s personal attorneys.

What Mr. Emmanuel did not say in his press statement is that he was approached by Mr. Mark Maragh, the lawyer for Allen Chastanet, who convinced him that he should meet with Mr. Martinez; and this would assist in having his name removed from the lawsuit,” said Ernest in his televised address.

Hilaire clarified that the CIP Head, concerned about his name being included in this US-filed RICO lawsuit, met Martinez.

Hilaire added that the referenced attorney contacted Mr Thaddeus Antoine, encouraging him to meet Martinez. Antoine also happens to be a citizenship attorney and the Chairman of the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority.

Would you believe Mr Maragh also telephoned Mr Thaddeus Antoine to suggest that he, too, should travel to Washington to meet Mr Martinez and his lawyers to ensure his name would not be added to the filing. Mr. Antoine did not oblige.”

According to Investment Minister Hilaire, Chastanet and Martinez are in cahoots.

Mr Maragh makes it very clear that they do not really want Mr Antoine, Mr. Emmanuel or Mr Jeffrey DuBoulay (another citizenship attorney), but rather it's all about Ernest Hilaire,” he said.

Since Hilaire’s entry into elective politics in 2016, he and Allen Chastanet have been at constant loggerheads. During Chastanet’s stint as Prime Minister, he caused the Customs and Excise Department to seize Hilaire’s personal vehicle, claiming it did not belong to Hilaire despite proof of purchase. This was facilitated by the transferring of Customs Comptrollers who refused to seize the vehicle by Allen Chastanet and numerous court appearances.


Ultimately, the vehicle was returned to Hilaire.