Wednesday, Mar 12

On Notice? CSA “Taken Aback” at Chastanet’s Remarks

Thursday, Jun 13


know that civil servants are generally apolitical,” said the General Secretary of the Civil Service Association, MacStephen Aubertin.

Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet uttered these remarks during one of his party’s town hall meetings over the weekend.

Tonight, we must declare war. We must declare war on anybody who wants to take us for a pappyshow…and I’m putting the civil servants on notice,” said Chastanet to his audience.

The CSA General Secretary notes that while civil servants have the right to support whatever political party they want, adding that civil servants are apolitical in their operations.

Yes, they have a constitutional right to freedom of association. Invariably, civil servants serve the public well. There may be occasions where the public may express displeasure with the service, but generally public servants work well,” Aubertin said in defence of public servants.

Aubertin contends that the CSA does not discuss politics with its members, so being put “on notice” by the Opposition Leader is confounding.

When we do our work, we do not at any time discuss politics with our membership because we know members are free to support whichever party or individual they want. And I was taken aback to hear that they're putting our members on notice.”

Chastanet has rebelled calls by the public asking him to retract the statements.