Met Officials Monitoring Weather System to Windward’s Far SouthEast

Thursday, Jun 27


yes are glued to a tropical weather disturbance to the far southeast of the Windward Islands, the Saint Lucia Meteorological Office disclosed.

Forecasts from the US-based National Hurricane Centre predict that this weather system has a 40% chance of developing into a tropical wave over the next few days. While still far away, the Centre is advising heightened precautions.

Saint Lucia’s Met Office is also monitoring the development, Meteorologist Venantius Descartes said.

We keep monitoring the system for any signs of development. There is a low chance of it developing within the next 48 hours and about a forty percent chance of it developing in the next seven days.”

Should conditions intensify, he adds, the public will be informed. 

Environmental conditions are forecast to be unusually conducive for late June across the central and western tropical Atlantic, and further development of this system is anticipated.  A tropical depression or tropical storm could form this weekend several hundred miles east of the Windward Islands while the system moves westward at 15 to 20 mph.