Community Policing Branch Doing “God’s Work”, Officer Says

Thursday, Jul 11


e have the responsibility of developing projects in communities that would help in crime prevention and mitigating those types of crime issues,” explained Police Sergeant Zachary Hippolyte of the Community Relations Branch.

Community policing is a collaboration between the police and the community that identifies and solves community problems. In that way, all members of the community become active allies in the effort to enhance the safety and quality of communities. 

Point person for the CRB, Sgt. Zachary Hippolyte, discloses that the Branch deals with matters which arise in schools, particularly student indiscipline.

We deal with the schools also. We provide school interventions and when the principals have issues, they would call into my department to try and assist in solving gang issues and disobedience when it comes to the students,” the Sergeant explained during a local talk show.

Despite the work the Branch does, the Officer observes that other arms of the Police Force can take community policing for granted.

Our investigative counterparts, not that they don't understand our role in the RSLPF, but the tradition that policing is about receiving reports, pursuing criminals, apprehending them, and taking them to the courts. So most times we are seen as the lighter side of policing.”

Hippolyte asserts that the Branch has an active hand in preventing crimes from being committed in the first place.

Although they might not see us as what you would call real policing or hardcore policing, every time we institute measures in our community that assist to reduce crime or at least impact the lives of the vulnerable, we also deal with hardcore policing. We, like my former inspector said, we are doing God's work.”

Hippolyte assures the public that despite the everyday challenges of the job, the officers within the department are committed to protecting and serving.