Economic Development and Poverty Amelioration - SLP Celebrates 3 Years in Office

Friday, Jul 26


hree years ago on july 26th 2021, Pierre’s SLP won a landslide victory against the incumbent United Workers’ Party.

Capturing 13 of the constituencies, the Labour Party broke the 11-6 victory trend started and maintained since 2006. For the first time since the early days of Saint Lucian politics, the SLP formed a coalition government comprising two independent MPs - Stephenson King and Richard Frederick, who were once notable members of the UWP.

Booting the Chastanet government out of office, the SLP embarked on an ambitious development agenda, securing over XCD$2 billion in foreign direct investment and reinstating the poverty alleviation opportunities the SLP is known for.

One sore point for the Pierre Administration was the timely completion of the St. Jude Hospital, which was not completed by the Chastanet Administration. In August 2023, the government secured complete funding for the completion of the original hospital and the rehabilitation of the George Odlum Stadium which currently houses patients.

According to liaison officials, the hospital will comprise 12 buildings, 4 of which are expected to be completed by August 2023. A contractor has been identified through the bidding process to complete the project

SLP Chairman, Moses Jn. Baptiste, says the government is making significant progress in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the St. Jude Hospital.

 “The 26th of July will mark 3 years of the Philip J Pierre SLP Administration. During our campaign, we promised the people of Saint Lucia that the St Jude Hospital Rehabilitation project would take centre stage and throughout the 3 years we caused certain processes to take place which at this time has resulted in the continued rehabilitation of the St Jude Hospital,” assured Chairman Jn. Baptiste. 

The Prime Minister’s Administrative Attache, Maundy Lewis, notes a main concern of the Pierre-Administration is the reduction of poverty in Saint Lucia.

 “Ameliorating people's conditions is what this Administration has been about. This has been our mantra, “Putting People First” and you would see that through all of the policies that this government has put forward,” explained Lewis.

 SLP MPs and nominees will be meeting in their constituencies on July 26th to celebrate with their constituents.