Hilaire Defends Staff at CIP Unit and Condemns Political Threats Made Against Them

Thursday, Aug 01


think this is a new dimension and we must condemn it in the strongest possible way.

Public servants are serving the country. This is a new era we've never seen in Saint Lucia before,” explained Tourism Minister Dr Ernest Hilaire responding to alleged threats being levied at staff of the Citizenship by Investment Unit.

According to the Minister, political agents of the Opposition United Workers’ Party are phoning staff of the Unit, threatening to “expose” them or add their names to a list of others in a RICO lawsuit filed in the US.

To virtually call public servants, threatening to include them in RICO filings if they don't give certain information, if they don't act in a particular way, it's totally unacceptable. I want to condemn it in the strongest possible way,” the Minister said when questioned on the matter.

Hilaire dispelled rumours on social media which claim that the Unit’s Corporate Secretary had resigned. However, he adds, the Corporate Secretary has come under intense scrutiny from undisclosed individuals, pressuring her to resign.

The last time I spoke to the Corporate Secretary, she's still employed at CIP and I hope she continues to serve as Corporate Secretary. But I can say that she's been put under a lot of pressure locally as well as externally for her to resign and there are threats of including her in the RICO filing,” he said. 

Hilaire argues that public servants should be left to independently carry out their duties without the involvement of politicians.

If you have an issue, come and debate the politicians. You could criticise me as much as you want, you could criticise my colleagues, but do not take it to the professionals and the public servants.”

The alleged threats are the latest addition to the ongoing CIP scandal as a St. Kitts-based CIP Agent, Philippe Martinez, is trying to recoup alleged lost gains from the Kittian government.

Martinez has roped the government of Saint Lucia in his American-based lawsuit, claiming underselling has transpired in the country’s CIP Industry by an authorised agent.

To this end, Martinez has sought to win the allegiance of local CIP Agents in this suit, often inviting them to treat with him in Washington, D.C.


Saint Lucia’s Opposition has also joined peddling allegations that the country’s CIP has had instances of underselling, without providing any evidence of the same.


Prime Minister Pierre is on record saying that his Administration will allow the matter to play out in Court.