Dennery North MP Vehemently Denounces Violence

Friday, Oct 20 1436


he call for conflict resolution skills in citizens continues to be restated as government officials try to grapple with increased violent crimes.

Dennery North MP, Hon. Shawn Edward, reiterates his calls for amicable conflict resolutions. While the police continue to receive technical support, Edward acknowledges the need for increased social programmes to instil positive behaviours. He says a collaborative approach between government and social partners will achieve the desired result.

Our government denounces violence. We are not happy with where we are at in terms of criminality. But as the Prime Minister would’ve mentioned ours is a role where we provide oversight; we’ll continue to equip the police and other agencies with the resources to ensure that they execute their mandates,” the Dennery North MP told the press.

At the time, Edward was speaking in relation to a Saturday, October 14, 2023, shooting homicide in Bois Jolie, Dennery. Of late, the RSLPF is contending with the influx of illegal firearms into the country from the United States. Coming out of the Canada-CARICOM Summit, Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, pledged $3.2 million towards battling the illegal entry of firearms into the Caribbean.

The Dennery North MP continues, “As it relates to the killing in the Dennery basin, I have to emphatically denounced that act of violence. [We need] to look for amicable ways to resolve conflict and not turn to violence as we’ve seen happening in our country in the last couple of months. We continue to make resources available to the police, we continue to empower the police. We are not happy with [crime], it is worrying.”

Since his statements, another homicide was recorded in Bois Jolie on October 19, 2023. An unidentified decapitated male was found that morning at about 6 am with bloodstains to his body.

Last modified on Friday, 20 October 2023 13:20