Wednesday, Feb 12

Department of Infrastructure Responds to Road Complaints

Thursday, Dec 21


ictures of a road sign allegedly erected by residents of the Guyabois, Choiseul area went viral on social media.

The sign, which featured satirical warnings to motorists, is considered the residents’ road. Of protest against the condition of the road.

Remove dentures, adjust bra straps, secure your nuts,” were some of the markings visible on the sign.

On condition of anonymity, SNO spoke to a resident of the community who expressed dissatisfaction with the road’s condition. “If the government is not going to do anything about the Guyabois Road until next year, why can’t they at least make it safe for residents and farmers? It wouldn’t cost that much to get a backhoe for the road,” the resident expressed.

The Department of Infrastructure has since released a statement on the condition of roads across the island. The Department of Infrastructure affirmed Prime Minister Pierre’s statements that 2024 is the “year of infrastructure.”

The Ministry’s attempts continue to be hampered by challenges posed by persistent heavy rains and we acknowledge the need for urgent action to rectify the current road conditions. The adverse weather has severely impeded our schedule works, leading to delays in the execution of planned maintenance and rehabilitation activities,” the Department said in a release to the public.

Chief Engineer Mrs. Renata Philogene-McKie has expressed the Ministry's commitment to overcoming these challenges, stating, “We understand the frustrations of our citizens regarding the state of our roads, especially in the face of challenging weather conditions. Rest assured, we are working tirelessly to address these issues and implement effective and sustainable solutions.”

According to the release, the Department is mobilising resources for “emergency road repairs to address immediate safety concerns and ensure the well-being of commuters.”

As of Wednesday evening, road crews have been seen conducting repairs in the city centre in areas that were affected by the incessant rain during December.