Vendors Undergo Computer Literacy Training

Friday, Aug 04 1277


n preparation for increased development along the island’s waterfronts, vendors were trained in computer competences. The goal is to ensure these entrepreneurs are up-to-date with modern business practices. Vendors and Dry Goods Association President, Peter “Ras Ipa” Isaac, is pleased with the thrust into the digital world. He says craft vendors contribute tremendously to the GDP of the island, and should always be upskilling their talents.

We are making a significant contribution to the development of this country [...] we need to get into this digital world so that we will not lose out in the long-run.”, the President said in an address to his members.

Project Coordinator of the Caribbean Digital Transformation Project, Francillia Solomon, says vendors will receive assistance through the Small Enterprise Development Unit (S.E.D.U), and financial institutions. This, she says, will help modernise the vendors’ business approach.

 We will be working with S.E.D.U to assist you with registering your businesses, and we will be partnering with Bank of St. Lucia, for easier access to your point of sales machines.”, Solomon informed.

Bank of St. Lucia Retail Banking Manager, Arleta Rate-Mitchel, also encouraged vendors to register their businesses in order to gain access to the various banking opportunities available to them.

How you can access banking facilities, which are available to you. You are the ones who make our economy work and we are looking forward to giving back to you.”, she said.

 This first training cohort consisted of forty-five (45) vendors from across the island.

Last modified on Sunday, 06 August 2023 13:52