Cultural Retention at the Heart of Junior Calypso, Organisers Say

Tuesday, May 21


ne of our core mandates for the CPMC and for Lucian Carnival this year is to really drive home the importance of the celebration of our culture,” remarked Carnival Planning and Management Committee Public Relations Officer, Chelsa Jongue.

With 20 schools - 10 primary and 10 secondary schools - competing for the Junior Calypso Crown come June 7th, the Carnival organisers say cultural retention among youth is the goal.

Calypso has been a form of societal commentary in Saint Lucia as far back as recorded history, with many Calypsonians double dipping in other musical genres and achieving commercial success. Calypso topics include politics, healthcare, youth and crime.

CPMC PRO Chelsa Jongue adds that the Junior Calypso Competition forms part of Junior Carnival, which is included in the calendar of National Carnival events.

We're gearing up for Junior Carnival activities, so that includes National School Calypso and the Schools’ Panorama Festival scheduled for Friday June 7th and Saturday June 8th. Friday June 7th and Saturday June 8th.”

Jongue adds that the Junior Calypsonians have been paired up with more seasoned Calypsonians to develop their performance and lyric writing skills.

We're training these young Calypsonians, we're putting them to work with our current Calypsonians to understand what it takes to go up on stage and to deliver the best performances - and we've seen them, these kids are amazing.”

The reigning National Schools Calypso champions are Darnel from Reunion Primary and Yandi J from Sir Ira Simmons Secondary.