DPP Advises Police Commissioner to Arrest Officers Involved in ORC Killings

Thursday, Jun 20


here is sufficient evidence, in my view, to warrant the arrest and formal interviewing of the officers involved on suspicion of reckless manslaughter,” explained Director of Public Prosecutions, Daarsrean Greene

DPP Greene provided updates on the shooting deaths of Reginald Jean and a group of men who are popularly known as “The Vieux Fort 5”.

In the case of Reginald Jean, who was shot and killed by the Police on 28th February 2011 at Marchand, the DPP said:

As such, I have advised the Commission of Police that the further lines of inquiry embarked upon by the investigative team, which was done subsequent to the coroner's inquest in this matter, have revealed sufficient evidence, in my view, to warrant the arrest and formal interviewing of the officers involved on suspicion of reckless manslaughter.”

In relation to The Vieux Fort 5, who were all shot and killed by the Police on 5th May 2011 at Vieux Fort, the DPP said:

As it relates to the shootings of Kevin Ferdinand, Rosarius Marquis, Jean Baptist McFarlane, Mitchelle Cadette and Allan Louisty, further lines of inquiry have been explored. I find that this investigation is near completion and the evidence emanating from the investigation in the further lines of inquiries, as aforesaid, is sufficient, in my view, to warrant the arrest and formal interviewing of the officers involved on suspicion of reckless manslaughter.”

Greene says Police Commissioner, Cruscita Descartes-Pelius, has been advised to formally arrest and interview the officers.