V eteran journalist, Earl Bousquet, takes umbrage with Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet’s comments regarding the affiliation of media houses on-island.
M embers of the public are requesting a minimum wage be legislated by the government to combat the rising cost…
T he National Students’ Council [NSC] is demanding an explanation from the examining body, CXC, concerning claims that numerous students…
Q uestions have arisen regarding the status of taxes collected by the previous Chastanet-led administration for the rehabilitation of roads.…
T he victims of August 27, 2023, double homicide have been identified by law enforcement as 20-year-old Dave Edgard of…
T he following is a press release from the Consumer Affairs Department:
S aint Lucia proudly hosted the illustrious 30th Anniversary celebrations of the World Travel Awards Caribbean & the Americas on…
O n the afternoon of Saturday, August 26th, 2023, a Toyota Rush SUV slammed into a fuel pump at the…
A t approximately 9:20 pm on Sunday 27th August, reports of a double homicide reverberated from the community of Vieux…
F ollowing the release of CXC results on August 24th, 2023, some Saint Lucian students have penned an open letter…