Mother of Homicide Victim Says Family is Under Threat

Tuesday, Feb 13 3904


he mother of the island's latest homicide victim, 23-year-old Junior McFarlane of Westhall Group, Vieux Fort, expressed her profound grief and anguish following her son's tragic death.

His body was discovered by law enforcement in the early hours of Saturday morning at around 1:45 am.

In an emotional statement, the grieving mother revealed that she feels her family is under siege, having already lost her third son to gun violence in August 2023. Junior McFarlane, her eldest son, has now also become a victim of the same fate.

She expressed disappointment with the response of both the police and the community members in addressing the escalating violence plaguing their neighbourhood.

I was asleep when I heard the shots, as usual, gunshots, but I knew that he left with a friend. They went for a drink, so I thought they were out of Vieux Fort. Then I heard somebody calling and telling me that my son was killed on Martin Luther King Street. So I left my house by myself, ran up the road, crying for help all on the road. Nobody came out. The police took about 45 minutes to get there, and I'm lying on my dead son's body. Nobody came out!” she explained.

On a previous occasion, she recounted a harrowing incident where her home was targeted by attackers who fired bullets, seemingly as a menacing message. This traumatic experience underscores her assertion that her family is continually besieged by threats and violence.

The Saturday before my son was killed, there was a shooting here. Fellas walked into the area and shot up my house. Another little boy from Mon Repo was there, and got killed. Up to now, we saw nobody, nobody came. We have the clips and things. Nobody came to see what was going on. The shots penetrated upstairs. I have two little children, a four-year-old and a two-year-old. Not even for the children,” she said.

McFarlane's mother expresses a profound sense of isolation amidst the ongoing gang warfare.

It's terrible. It's heartbreaking. I don't even have a heart. I don't feel like I can help anybody in future, or do anything for anybody. Because it's really heartbreaking and people don't even care. Everything goes on the same way after all the murders, tomorrow everybody in their own business, everybody happy. And the thing about it is everybody knows what's going on and those who's been rejoicing. For the past few weeks, I have a daughter going to school,” she bemoaned.

McFarlane was pronounced dead at the St. Jude Hospital by a medical practitioner.

Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 09:36