PWA Should Follow Due Process - Jeremiah Norbert Suggests

Friday, Aug 11


ormer Police Officer and current Micoud North MP, Honourable Jeremiah Norbert urges the Police Welfare Association to follow due process

These statements follow allegations hurled from the PWA aimed at a senior officer within the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force. As far as he is concerned, Norbert says the RSLPF is in capable hands.

 “It cannot just be an allegation hanging over somebody’s head forever, something must happen. As to what the welfare has done to move forward with this, I’m not sure. But the welfare should encourage the people to not keep [it] as allegations”, the Micoud North MP suggested. His sentiments echo those of the Prime Minister, Honourable Philip J. Pierre, who urges the PWA to make an arrest, if there is sufficient evidence. “There’s a protocol. You go to the Police and make a report…and they can arrest anybody, once there is evidence”, Pierre had urged on July 26, 2023. To date, no arrest has been made.

 So far, the Micoud North M.P observes, the RSLPF has made significant strides in protecting the citizenry under the supervision of AC Philip. “I think the acting Commissioner has done a good job in terms of holding the Police Force together and fighting the crime situation on the ground”, he says. “When he came in, we saw the extension of the opening hours for the immigration department, and several people are satisfied as [the department has] issued 3,000 passports in that time. According to Norbert, the stewardship of Acting Commissioner Ronald Phillip has allowed citizens to breathe a breath of fresh air.