Wednesday, Oct 23

S ugar stocks on the island have returned to a sense of normality, says Consumer Affairs Director, Wendy Frederick.
"99% of Saint Lucians are good people with good intentions and good hearts.
C ommerce Minister Emma Hippolyte announced that Saint Lucia has secured new regional exports for dasheen in Saint Croix and…
T he Consulate General of Saint Lucia in New York announced that a distressed Saint Lucian woman living in New…
I sland Champs, once known as the Inter-Secondary Sports Meet, is touted by Ministry officials to be bridging the gap…
I n anticipation of the appointment of a new Deputy Speaker at the next sitting of the House, Opposition Leader…
M icoud North MP Jeremiah Norbert disclosed that numerous developments are currently underway in his constituency.
A llen Chastanet received a tongue-lashing from Trinidad’s Prime Minister Keith Rowley, after appearing at a townhall on Crime hosted…
M ore than a year ago Haiti's government formally requested a multinational force be deployed to help its police restore…
O n Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) conducted a joint operation within the Northern…